Posts Tagged ‘Steve King’

Bury Steve King’s Political Career In A Semetary

June 3, 2020

While I no longer live in Iowa, I’d like to take a moment and comment on the defeat of my former congressman, Steve King.

Steve King is no longer a shining star in the conservative movement. His stand on issues involving immigrants bordered on tasteless. Hopefully nobody carries on his legacy. His rhetoric caused a lot of misery for folks, and Iowa’s patience with him got thinner and thinner. Many tried to unseat him, including a carpetbagger candidate in former Iowa first lady Christine Vilsack. I’m glad conservatives decided it was time for him to go. Some dates live in infamy, like 11/22/63. Hopefully yesterday’s date will finally give peace and end the insomnia many have suffered thinking about this dude, and they’ll finally get what the doctor ordered, which is some sleep. I have no desire to see him locked in a cell, I’m just glad his political career went down in a blaze. My congratulations to Iowa Republicans for running a new man for that congressional seat. King’s rage only served as a firestarter to the national discourse instead of providing more needful things like peace and understanding. Hopefully Iowa’s 4th district will no longer be a dead zone for thoughtful representation. If King is lucky, they won’t lock him in an institute.

Just one Tom Gordon fan’s opinion.

The Republican Party Strategy: Shaming Non-Voters

October 23, 2014

I have received a few mailers this month from the Iowa Republican Party, voicing their disapproval on my non-voting record. Here is a mailer I received last night:

Republican Mailer

If the Republican Party wants my vote, they could start by abandoning their crony capitalism and xenophobia. Instead of, you know, fielding candidates in Iowa who embrace crony capitalism and xenophobia despite the facts against their crony capitalism and xenophobia.

Also, am I to gather, based off this mailer, that the Iowa Republican Party endorses a community of busybody neighbors not minding their own business? That’s a little too creepy for my tastes, sorry.

**UPDATE 1/31/16:  I’d like to thank the Ted Cruz campaign’s vote-shaming mailer for driving traffic to this post.  My thoughts on Cruz’s vote-shaming here.