Bury Steve King’s Political Career In A Semetary

While I no longer live in Iowa, I’d like to take a moment and comment on the defeat of my former congressman, Steve King.

Steve King is no longer a shining star in the conservative movement. His stand on issues involving immigrants bordered on tasteless. Hopefully nobody carries on his legacy. His rhetoric caused a lot of misery for folks, and Iowa’s patience with him got thinner and thinner. Many tried to unseat him, including a carpetbagger candidate in former Iowa first lady Christine Vilsack. I’m glad conservatives decided it was time for him to go. Some dates live in infamy, like 11/22/63. Hopefully yesterday’s date will finally give peace and end the insomnia many have suffered thinking about this dude, and they’ll finally get what the doctor ordered, which is some sleep. I have no desire to see him locked in a cell, I’m just glad his political career went down in a blaze. My congratulations to Iowa Republicans for running a new man for that congressional seat. King’s rage only served as a firestarter to the national discourse instead of providing more needful things like peace and understanding. Hopefully Iowa’s 4th district will no longer be a dead zone for thoughtful representation. If King is lucky, they won’t lock him in an institute.

Just one Tom Gordon fan’s opinion.


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